Green Bridge (south)

Date: 05/11/23
Distance: 29 miles
Elevation: 1,500 feet

This 29-mile route is what’s typically referred to as “Green Bridge” because it leaves town and crosses the Woolsey Bridge at Pitkin Corner before heading back to Fayetteville. The bridge was originally a green 1920’s-era truss bridge. The historic bridge was replaced around 2017, but the cycling route has kept its name.

Sprint Signs:
Mile 3.7 – Hwy 71 – Greenland city limit
Mile 7.3 – Hwy 71 – West Fork city limit
Mile 14.7 – McKnight Avenue – West Fork city limit
Mile 22.7 – Campbell Road – Greenland city limit
Mile 25.4 – Hwy 265 – Fayetteville city limit