Sunday Service

Fayetteville group ride departing from Puritan

Sunday Service is the original Bike Club Fayetteville group ride, departing from Puritan (205 W Dickson St, Fayetteville, AR 72701) each Sunday morning, usually at 10:30 a.m. (sometimes earlier, sometimes later – check Strava for weekly details).

The goal is to enjoy a long, steady ride (3-4 hours on average) while keeping the group together with an average speed of at least 18 mph. City limit sprint signs are open for the taking, and of course, feel free to enjoy the occasional fast descent. Finish somewhere local for food, drinks and conversation.

Routes are typically announced a day or two before the ride on Instagram or our Strava club page.

Tuesday Night Worlds

Fayetteville competitive group ride departing from Puritan

Tuesday Night Worlds is a competitive group ride departing from Puritan (205 W Dickson St, Fayetteville, AR 72701) on selected Tuesday evenings at 5:55 p.m. Join our Strava club page for invites and routes.

The goal is to enjoy a good ole-fashioned race-pace throw-down. It’s the perfect opportunity to push your limits, work on race tactics, and above all else, have hella fun going fast on a bicycle with others.

Routes are typically announced a day or two before the ride on Instagram or our Strava club page.

We hope to see y’all out there, no matter what kit you wear or how high/low your FTP is. Finish at Puritan for drinks and conversation.

Note: It almost goes without saying, but the roads we ride are open to vehicle traffic, so while this is a race-pace ride, please be cognizant of traffic and ride safely. If the group is large, let’s do our best to stay to the right side of the road so we don’t give drivers a reason to hate us, especially near town. And when going for sprint signs, please be especially aware of traffic behind and in front of you and try to avoid drifting into the other lane.